nidi gallery
“BYT 2018 AW”
Launch Exhibition(刊行記念展)
“BYT 2018 AW”
Publication Launch and
2018 6.22 fri – 7.1 sun
nidi gallery 企画展
Design: Daichi Aijima
2018年6月22日(金)– 7月1日(日)
開廊時間 13:00 – 20:00
休廊日 水曜日(6月27日)
2018 6.22 fri – 7.1 sun
13:00 – 20:00
closed on wednesday (6.27)
nidi gallery出版第1弾として、アパレル・プロジェクト BYT(ブイト) のビジュアルブック『BYT 2018 AW』を刊行いたします。
The Apparel Project BYT's visual book "BYT 2018 AW" will be published as Nidi Gallery's first publication.
The 2018 Autumn/Winter Collection of BYT, which carries out its activities with a unique stance without being confined to the existing apparel systems, is a book that shows the internal perspectives of the designers on the other side of the look book, and transparent clothes that wrap around the book like an oblat.
This exhibition is a precious opportunity to get close to the core of BYT. At the venue, the debut collection "CATWALK/DOGRUN" of BYT's ready-to-wear line, PYT, presented in Vancouver, Canada, this spring, will be showed in Japan for the first time, and advanced orders will also be accepted for some of the products in preparation for the start of sales in autumn.
BYT ブイト