nidi gallery
Filipa Tojal
2023.4.7 fri – 4.20 thu
Design: Daichi Aijima
2023年4月7日(金)– 4月20日(木)
開廊時間 12:00 – 18:00
休廊日 月・火
2023年4月7日(金) 17:00 – 19:00
2023.4.7 fri – 4.20 thu
12 – 6 pm
closed every mon and tue
Opening Reception
2023 4.7 fri 5 – 7pm
本展は、2023年に制作された最初の作品を始まりとして構成し、緑と青の没入感のある色調と繊細な空間概念に包まれた地に根ざすようなインスタレーションをしばしば生み出してきた芸術的実践を映し出します。 また、それは自然や物事の「本質」に魅了される彼女の姿も表します。
Filipa Tojal is a visual artist originally from Portugal who chooses an itinerant way of positioning herself in the world and works primarily with painting. Filipa holds a bachelor's degree in fine arts from the Faculty of Fine Arts of Porto (Portugal) and completed a master's degree in Painting at Geidai, Tokyo University of the Arts. While using techniques that are Western as well as Eastern and questioning the differences between these two, she embraces a visual and meditative process having her changing surroundings as her poetic influence. Filipa has exhibited her works solo and collectively in Europe and Asia, as well as in the US and Australia. This is her first solo exhibition in Japan since 2020, the year that she left Tokyo after living in this city for four consecutive years.
This exhibition follows Filipa Tojal's first works of 2023 and mirrors the artist practice which often results in ground-devoted installations circled by immersive green/blue hues and delicate space conceptions, which show her fascination for nature and the "nature" of things.
Her paintings are long sustained in landscape and her way of roaming through it: the shapes and intricacies of each wandered place, appear sometimes hidden, sometimes outspoken, such as serene mountainside or complex wilderness. The borderline between studio and exhibition settings is usually very narrow as Filipa often plays with intuitive systems of display, frequently mirroring her intimate dispositions in the studio space.
This work particularly arises from questioning painting as well as sense of being, as a concept equally floating and earthly, while recreating her own version of a tsuboniwa, following her latest work completed in Japan, Engawa. The various conversations around the exhibition space reflect her appreciative and contemplative sense of the place.
Filipa Tojal フィリッパ・トジャル
1993年、ポルトガル・ポルト生まれ。絵画制作を中心に活動するビジュアルアーティスト。 現在、ポルトガルと英国を拠点に活動している。ポルト美術大学で絵画の学士号を取得。東京藝術大学大学院美術研究科絵画専攻修士課程修了。自然とアートの本質的な詩的関係を研究する旅をしている。
Filipa Tojal (1993, Porto, Portugal) is a visual artist working primarily in painting. Currently based between Portugal and the UK. Holds a BA in Painting from FBAUP - Faculty of Fine Arts of Porto
Completed a Master’s Degree in Painting at GEIDAI - Tokyo University of the Arts, Japan Travelling around researching about the intrinsic poetic relationship between nature and art.