nidi gallery
Azu Kimura
“Landscape of Iron”
2022.11.18 fri – 12.1 thu
2022 年11 月18 日(金) ‒ 12 月1 日(木)
開廊時間 12:00 – 18:00
休廊日 月・火
2022.11.18 fri – 12.1 thu
open 12 – 6pm
closed every mon and tue
この度、nidi galleryでは2度目となるアーティスト・木村亜津の個展を開催いたします。本展では、今年の9月にオーストラリアで滞在制作した作品を発表いたします。自然物をテーマに創作活動を行う木村は、今回、微生物に着目しました。心動く瞬間が閉じ込められた自然物とのコラボレーション。自然界の現象から絵画として昇華した作品群は、地球の営みについて更なる思索へと導きます。ぜひこの機会にギャラリーに広がる「鉄の風景」を観にいらしてください。
"Landscape of Iron"
I had long been fascinated by the presence of what looked like an oil slick floating on the red water of a marshy area. One day, a friend who climbed with me told me that this was a film produced by iron-oxidizing bacteria.
A few years later, I had the opportunity to do a residency in the town of Bilpin, Australia. I spent my days walking in the bush as part of my research. Everywhere along the way, I saw red water and iridescent membranes that I thought might be the home of iron-oxidizing bacteria.
The area around the town has a lot of sandstone formations. These sandstone formations act as a sponge to store water, and the water seeps out of the rocks. There are many places where water seeps out of the rocks. I speculated that, based on the high iron content of the earth, the fact that it is a borderline where water is supplied with oxygen as it seeps out of the rocks, and the fact that the water flows slowly in many places, a large number of iron-oxidizing bacteria was being produced.
The film produced by the iron-oxidizing bacteria has a complex metallic sheen, and I decided to capture it on paper. I gently placed the paper on top of the film and slowly lifted it up, taking my time.
This simple process reflects the temperature, weather, location, and time of collection, and thus each iteration is utterly unique. It is like a specimen that preserves a phenomenon, or a drawing of a collaboration.
Starting with the use of iron oxide from iron-oxidizing bacteria as a material, I learned about the cycle of iron oxidation and reduction in the natural world. I began to think about our life activities in which iron is an essential factor, the mighty magnetic field that surrounds the earth, and the complexity of our interrelationships with each other.
Azu Kimura
木村亜津 Azu Kimura