nidi gallery
Audrey Fondecave
“Le Petit Atelier #2 – Children Workshop –”
2022.9.24 sat *Reservations required
14:00 – 15:30 (13:45より開場)
2022.8.24 sat
14:00 – 15:30(Doors open at 13:45)
アーティストであり、アートエデュケーターでもあるAudrey Fondecave(オードリー・フォンドゥカヴ)さんを迎え、子どもたちに向けたアートワークショップを開催します。子どもたちの心に常に魅了され、彼らにとってのアート体験の重要性を強く信じていると話すオードリーさん。彼女は約20年にわたりキッズ・ワークショップを開いています。
ユニークな視点を持っているアーティストたち。その視点を通して世界を見てみよう。第2回は、アメリカのアーティストAnne Truitt(アン・トゥルイット)にフォーカスします。彼女はミニマルアートの先駆者のひとりであり、幾何学と色彩を用いた箱や柱を思わせる彫刻作品で知られています。今回は、絵具と筆を用いて色の関係を学びます。みんなで色のおもしろさに触れてみましょう。
Anne Truitt | アン・トゥルイット
【9/6(火)21:00〜 予約受付開始】
時間:14:00 - 15:30 (90分 / 13:45より開場, 15:25にお迎えをお願いします。)
会場:nidi gallery
[内訳:講習費 3,850円(税込) +材料費 1,000円 ]
定員:10名 (5 - 9歳)
Audrey Fondecave
“Le Petit Atelier #2 – Children Workshop –”
We are pleased to welcome artist and art educator Audrey Fondecave for an art workshop for children. Audrey says she has always been fascinated by children and strongly believes in the importance of art experiences for them. She has been offering kids' workshops for almost 20 years.
Artists have a unique perspective. Let's look at the world through their perspectives. In this second workshop, we will focus on American artist Anne Truitt. She is one of the pioneers of minimal art and is known for her sculptures reminiscent of boxes and pillars using geometry and color. In this session, we will learn about the relationship between colors using paint and brushes. Let's all experience the fun of color together.
Anne Truitt
(Please refer to the related links at the end of this page.)
We will hold an exhibition of children's works at our gallery in 2023. Please enjoy this whorkshop as one of the projects in the exhibition.
【Reservations will be accepted from 21:00 on September 6th.】
Please make ticket reservations at the URL below.
(Please refer to the related links at the end of this page.)
Date : Saturday, September 24, 2022
Time : 14:00 - 15:30 (90 minutes / doors open at 13:45, please pick up at 15:25)
Place : Nidi Gallery
Fee : 4,850 yen (tax included)
[Participation fee : 3,850 yen (including tax) + 1,000 yen for materials]
*Brushes used will be provided on the day of the workshop, and canvas works can be taken home after the exhibition.
Capacity : 10 (5-9 years old)
What to bring : Water bottle, hand towel
Clothing : Please wear clothes you don't mind getting dirty as we will be using paints.
【Please read the notes.】
*Please note that only children are allowed to participate, so parents/guardians are requested to pick up and drop off their children. (Observation will be discouraged.)
*Photographs will be taken as a record of the workshop and may later be featured on social networking sites or in exhibitions. Please understand this beforehand. (If you do not wish to be photographed, please let us know on the day of the event.)
*Any language is acceptable, including Japanese, English, French, and any other language. We will communicate more freely.
【Cancellation Policy】
Please note that last minute cancellations will be charged a fee.
The day before : 50% of the participation fee
On the day of the workshop : 100% of the registration fee
If you need to cancel due to unavoidable circumstances, please contact us as soon as you know.
Audrey Fondecave オードリー・フォンドゥカヴ
フランス生まれ。2001年より東京を拠点に活動。ペインティングやコラージュ、インスタレーションなど、多岐にわたる表現形式を用いて作品を制作。近年は岩絵具などの有機的な素材による抽象画に取り組んでいる。また、「Too Much Magazine」の編集者、子どものための美術教育者など、多彩な顔を持つ。
Audrey Fondecave
Born in France, based in Tokyo since 2001. Her works in a wide variety of mediums including painting, collage, and installation. In recent years, she has been working on abstract paintings using organic materials such as natural mineral pigments. She is also the editor of "Too Much Magazine" and an art educator for children.